• Important disclosure please read before proceeding:

Affiliate links are used for some of the tools that we are an
affiliate of, which means that if you click that link and subsequently
make a purchase, we will earn a commission. You pay nothing extra; any
commission we earn comes at no additional cost to you. We recommend
them to online entrepreneurs like you because they are genuinely
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you choose to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these
products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you
achieve your goals.


Let’s be real to make it in as an online blogger is no easy task these
days. It doesn’t hurt to have an edge above your competition. Here are
the tools every online blogger needs in their tool box.

To get started you need some training. Gone is the days when you could
put up a bad website and throw a few links on it and get lots of
traffic. Now we have SEO and a lot more competition.

With this in mind let’s get you enrolled in a good certification
program. No, you don’t have to go to college, but the right online
training can make all the difference in online blogging.

Online Entrepreneur Certification

Online Entrepreneur Certification

Novae Credit & Money Company  and affiliate marketers dream.

It’s a business platform for affiliate marketers.

Their Online Entrepreneur Certification is a
series that will get your business up and running the right way.

You will learn how do build a traffic producing website, make money,
master social engagement and success through content creation.

Website Building

In case you’re wondering can you do online blogging without a website,
you can, but I wouldn’t advise it. Every online business needs a solid
foundation and that’s a website.

For a website to be a success it’s a must that it’s built on a great
platform. WordPress powers over 43.2% of all websites on the internet!
That should tell you something.

They have great themes to accommodate any niche. Plus 1000’s of
plugins to choose from to enhance your website.

D9 Hosting

Website Hosting

In addition, you need a hosting service for your website to live on as
you build your site. D9 hosting service is a place where you manage
your WordPress website.

You can easily build a beautiful WooCommerce store. Within a few
clicks you can have a professional-looking Storefront theme.

User of WordPress get preferential treatment from D9 Hosting just ask
Web Planet.

Keyword Search Tool

When it comes to your business having a great keyword search tool to
enhance your SEO is a must.

Jaaxy is the best keyword search tool you can have to get your
business in front Big 3 search engines (Google-Bing-Yahoo).

You can create lists to manage your keywords. When you’re looking to
get access to keywords Jaaxy produces keyword data in seconds.

Jaaxy features traffic, competition, QSR, ranking and domain data
which are available for billions of search terms. Jaaxy also has the
ability to perform up to FIVE searches at once with multi threaded
search functions.

Create Email List

Create Email List

One mistake that online bloggers make is not creating an email
list when they first go into business. I know I was one of them.

You’ve heard it said that the money is in the list. GetResponse email
service wants to make sure you get every bit of it.

GetResponse lets you organize your subscribers by tagging them based
on their interests & activity, etc. The tags can be group into
segments to make sure you send the right message at the right time.

Landing Page Builder

OptimizePress is a great opt-in tool to get people into your email
list. You can create stunning landing pages an funnels that are
optimized to give you the highest conversion rates.

Furthermore, you can create pages that sells your products or services
on auto pilot. Do split tests and upsells and down sells with a click.

Create membership sites, integrate payment and your favorite email
platform to your website.

Writing Service

Content Writing Service

Once your business website really starts growing you may opt to have a
writing service begin to help write content for your business.

Or you could be that person who has a full- time job, with a family
and community activities you don’t have the time to write the way
you’d like a writing service may be the answer for you.

Easily create a project with Jasper.ai the best content writer I’ve
come across so far. Nothing that I have come across bets the content
that Jasper the AI puts out. Jasper did an over 1000 word post in 5
min. and it was indexed into Google the very next day.

Additionally, Jasper also writes emails, headlines, does SEO, Social
Media Ads, Marketing, etc. Jasper is great! Try him out!

Video Ranking Tool

Right now, video is hot and it’s just going to get hotter. Statistics
show that having a video with your content gets you more traffic.

According to Google 6 out of 10 people would rather watch video than
TV. And according to HubSpot
85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.

So if you’re trying to rank in the top spots in YouTube and Google
with your videos TubeBuddy is your tool. They have produced more
ranking success stories than any other software.

Copy Writing Guide

Copy Writing Guide

One the most important skills that every online entrepreneur needs
especially online bloggers that is often overlooked is copywriting

The whole purpose of an online blogger is to sell products. And that
is what 7-Figure Marketing Copy Guide teaches you, how to sell.

You learn how to write great headlines and great ads. Let’s face it no
one clicks on your ads you don’t have a chance to make any money.

Smart Phone Stabilizer

Why the smart phone stabilizer, because unless you have a studio set
up somewhere, you’ll probably use your smart phone to make videos.

You don’t want to upload a video that shows your hand shaking.
Remember video increases engagement. Video makes sells.

Start using and making videos early don’t wait like I did. Video now
and is the future.

 Daily Planner

Daily Planner

The importance of having a daily planner cannot be overlooked. I’ve
found that a daily planner has helped my productivity greatly.

Plus, you have your day planned out you know what you need to do. So,
your not going through your day haphazardly and not really
accomplishing anything.

Also, you can evaluate your progress and stay on top of your goals. I
wouldn’t be caught without a daily planner now.

Daily Journal

Just like the daily planner the daily journal is as equally important.
After your day is done writing in your journal helps you reflect upon
the day.

You’ll be thankful of the good things happening that day, but also,
you’ll be able to see how you should have handled a situation
differently that didn’t go quite so well.

Writing in a journal can be therapeutic. It can be relaxing and ease
the tensions of your mind.

Not mention that when you write in your journal you’ll write from the
heart and see the real you reflected upon the pages.

Content Marketing Skills

Content Marketing Skills

Admittedly having good content marketing skills will go a long way in
your online blogging success.

Online bloggers who can educate, motivate, inspire and inform their
buying prospects have the chance of making a sell more than those who

Content is still king it’s not done yet. Being able to put your self
in the shoes of your audience will help you identify their pain points
and understand their needs.

Blog Planner

Being consistent in your blogging is no small feat, thus a blog
planner can come in handy. It can help keep you on schedule whether
you blog once a week to 3 or 5 times a week.

A blog planner can help you get your ideas and details together for
the posts you’re going to write for months to a year’s time.

Thus, a blog planner can help you hit your blogging goals and increase
your writing time. If you’re having trouble putting out content then a
blog planner is for you.

 Mindset Training

Mindset Training

Why mindset training? Because what I’ve noticed is that most new
bloggers when they hit their first bump in the road they quit.

Building your online blogging business will resemble a roller coaster
for some and a see-saw for others until you really put some years into
the business and know what you’re really doing.

If you have the get quick rich attitude and don’t have the strength of
mind to keep going when things get rough, you’ll give up very quickly.

Law Compliance

It won’t mean a hill of beans to start creating a blog business just
to have it shutdown in the future because of being out of compliance
with the law.

There are certain privacy laws and disclaimers that must be on your
blog website. Don’t take the chance of being out of compliance get the

Summing Up: Having the right tools in your tool box can give you the edge over
those whose tool box is empty.

With the right tools, training and consistency in building your
business online blogging success can be yours.

Trust me blogging is easy to get into, but it takes more than what the
get-rich-quick gurus will tell you.

Take the time to learn your craft, know that it won’t always be smooth
sailing, every bump in the road is a lesson learned, but if you will
work hard and get you a few tools together one day you’ll look back
and say “I’m a successful online blogger.”



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